ማራኪ ወግ | Maraki Weg

ይህ ፕሮግራም የታዋቂ ሰዎችን ጓዳ፣ የቤታቸውን ውሎ፣ የቤተሰባቸውን ልዩ ገጽታ በብዙሃኑ ሕዝብ ከሚታወቁበት ተግባር ጀርባ ያለውን የማይታወቅ አኗኗራቸውን ይፋ የሚያደርግ ሾው ነው። አርቲስቶች ኢንቨስተሮች፣ አትሌቶች፣ ስኬታማ ዩቱዩበሮችንና ልምድ እና ተሞክሮ እንዲያጋሩ ሳቢ በሆነ በልዩ አቀራረብ ለተመልካቾች ያደርሳል።
This program is a show that reveals the lesser-known side of famous individuals, their homes, family dynamics, and unique personalities beyond their well-known public image. It provides viewers with a rare perspective, sharing the stories and experiences of artists, investors, athletes, and successful YouTubers in an engaging format. The show allows them to share their journey and expertise, offering audiences valuable insights and inspiration.

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