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Tag: Ethiopia

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD): Letter to Reverend Jesse Jackson by...

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD): Letter to Reverend Jesse Jackson by Dr. Mohamud Abu-Zeid – A Rejoinder  Mersie Ejigu ([email protected]) June 18/2020 (See Dr. Abu-Zeid’s...

Egypt and Ethiopia. Who is the victim? Who is the victimizer?...

“Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine any brighter.” George Bernard Shaw   By Dr. Mesfin Genanaw Ethiopia is the prime headwater of the Nile River....

The way forward for the renewed tripartite talks: GERD hydropower operation...

By: Semu A. Moges (Ph.D., PE). May 25, 2020 First of all, I would like to extend my sincere congratulation for fruitful shuttle diplomacy that...

Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. letter to US Congress Woman Karen...

The Honorable Karen Bass Chair: US Congressional Black Caucus 2059 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 Dear Honorable Bass: Re: Request to Issue a CBC Resolution Against Egypt’s Letter To the...